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Bags In, Bags Out

I don't know about you, but whenever I go to the grocery store, I leave with tons of groceries. And after I put away said groceries, I'm left with tons of bags. Sometimes I have accumulated so many that I need to throw some away. And where do I store them? On the floor of my pantry closet. Not very organized I know. Well, I came up with a DIY that will stop all of your plastic bags disorganization! Let's start putting them away! Supplies:

  • 5 plastic bags

  • Large colored glass bottle

  • Long paintbrush

Step 1:

Take the glass bottle and one of the plastic bags. Make sure that the handles on the bag are in line with each other, and stick the bottom part of the bag into the glass bottle.

Take the handle of the long paintbrush and use it to shove the plastic bag into the bottle so that the handles on the bag are coming out of the bottle. Step 2:

Take the second bag and put it halfway into the handles of the bag in the bottle. Use the paintbrush to shove the second bag into the bottle. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all of the bags are in the bottle. ...and that's it! Now, you have a plastic bag dispenser and managed to take care of one more thing in your life.

Isn't organization great?

Keeping It Classy & Crafty,


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